Thursday, April 12, 2007

moderator: at the western palace.

Why did Moon Orchid let Brave Orchid boss her around so much?

Why did Moon Orchid get married if her and her husband were so different and didn`t truly love eachother?

How old are Brave Orchid`s children? They sound like grownups but she always talks to them and refers to them as if they were still children.

Why is Brave Orchid so harsh? Has anything bad ever happened to her in her past to make her want Moon Orchid to do such cruel things to her husband and his wife?

How does Brave Orchid`s husband tolerate her?

Are the "children" really as bad as she makes them seem? Are they just more modern-american then Brave Orchid is?

What made Moon Orchid so curious in everything the children did?

Why would she talk out loud to herself instead of thinking in her head?

Has she always been bossed around by her sister and lived Brave Orchid`s shadow?

Why was Moon Orchid`s daughter in America when she wasn`t?

Has Moon Orchid`s daughter not adapted to the american society?

Why is Moon Orchid so incapable of doing simple laundry work?

Why doesn`t Brave Orchid feel bad that she forced her sister to see her husband when he didn`t want her back and she then ended up in a mental hospital, or does she?

Does Brave Orchid always imagine scenes and how certain situations will go?

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