Sunday, March 11, 2007

moderator: Shaman.

1. If Maxine`s mother was educated so well, then why does she still expect Maxine to become a housewife and slave? Doesn`t she want Maxine to get the same good education she had and recieve a medical diploma?

2. How long has it been since she last saw her father? It seems as if it wasn`t that long ago because she can still describe him and past events with him very well. However, it doesn`t seem like she misses him that much throughout the chapter.

3. How does Maxine know so much about her mother`s education experience? Had her mother described them to her at some other time not mentioned in the book?

4. Are any of the situations in this chapter imagined, like the white tiger chapter? Was Maxine making up or day dreaming any of these events or had they call occurred?

5. Why is her mother so willing to let others cheat off her paper? Why is authority and being liked so important to her?

6. Why did she exaggerate her story about her night in the ghost room so much? Does she want them to believe she`s more brave then she really is?

7. Does Maxine believe in ghosts?

8. Why would she give up all her training as a doctor and her whole life just to move to her husband? Does she really love him that much?

9. What makes the eaters so admired? Do the wierd things they eat represent their bravery?

10. Why are the villagers so cruel to stone the crazy woman?

11. Was the crazy lady really a spy?

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